Anatomical Pathology (AP) incorporates histology (tissue), cytology (cells), and forensic (autopsy) pathology and covers the full range of organ system specialties. Individuals can specialise in one area or have a broad interest in several areas. AP is laboratory based, includes a significant amount of microscopic work, is largely within usual working hours, and does not involve regular after hours or weekend work. In recent years AP has moved from being purely diagnostic to assuming an important role in the management of many cancers, and in conjunction with Molecular Pathology is becoming an exciting area with huge potential for research in cancer genetics.
Christchurch Hospital has seven AP training posts with vacancies variable depending on the training stage of the incumbent registrars. Trainees are supported by 21 consultant pathologists with expertise in all sub-specialty areas of histology and cytology. Trainees are also fortunate to have the opportunity to spend time in the Molecular Pathology department, and in the mortuary with the Forensic Pathology and Perinatal Pathology teams.
Anatomical Pathologists train through the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA).
The College is not involved in selecting applicants.
Applications can be made at any time during the year but the number of vacancies each year will depend on examination results, which are normally available by September.
For an opportunity to observe within this department at the CDHB or talk about this career pathway, please contact:
Dr Heather Smith
Director of Training