
Roles & opportunities

Eyes are so amazing and complex - composed of more than 2 million working parts – the muscles that move the eye are the strongest relative to their size in the body. Orthoptists are a well-recognised and established allied health profession, integral to the eye clinic. We specialise in diagnosis and management of eye movements and associated vision problems.

Orthoptists are taking the lead in a number of specialty areas – including paediatrics and Low Vision services. 

As an Orthoptist at  Health New Zealand, Canterbury | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha you will be involved in:

Orthoptics – supporting the busy paediatric and adult clinics, as well as autonomous Orthoptic clinics. We see a wide range of diseases and complex conditions. We are also involved in multidisciplinary team teaching.
Technical work – perimetry, biometry, topography, fundal imaging and scans, electrophysiology. 

What we're proud of

  • At Health New Zealand Canterbury | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha you will get hospital experience immediately.
  • We are the centre of excellence for the whole South Island. 

What you'll get out of it

Professional development is encouraged and supported – but you will have to be self-driven. Health New Zealand Canterbury | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha supports ongoing learning through attendance at symposiums and conferences. We have weekly clinical presentations and there are often research projects to be involved in.

How to join the kapa (team)

You don’t have to be registered to work here. There is a relatively young New Zealand professional association (New Zealand Orthoptic Society Incorporated) and we are strongly connected with the Australian professional association. 

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