The Department of Cardiology manages inpatient and outpatient care for the Canterbury Region providing a full range of advanced invasive procedures and cardiac surgery for a wider region.
Patients are referred to this service by General Practitioners, Emergency Department and other specialist services. The Department includes 2 cardiac catheterisation suites with angioplasty capability, a nine bed Coronary Care Unit and 2 Cardiology Wards. The Inpatient Service area is supported by one of the largest outpatient and rehabilitation services in New Zealand.
The Clinical Director of Cardiology is Dr Paul Bridgman. The department employs 14 other senior cardiologists, 8 registrars and 5 house officers. This medical service forms part of a large multi-disciplinary team comprised of skilled nursing staff, physiotherapists, medical technicians, pharmacist, occupational therapist, social workers and secretarial personnel.
This is an extremely busy department with ongoing commitment to providing the best cardiac care to the people of Canterbury and offers a wide range of experiences to RMOs.
For further information:
Dr Paul Bridgman
Clinical Director
Phone (+64 3) 364 8071