Stephanie Keene (she/her)

Recruitment Partner

"nursing colleagues – they are such a dedicated bunch of people"

What areas/roles do you recruit?

Nursing and Midwifery at the Christchurch Campus and Corporate roles

What’s your favourite part about your mahi (job)?

Working with the hiring managers and helping them find the best person for their team

Who inspires you and why?

The Nurse Managers I work with – they are such a dedicated bunch of people and awesome to work alongside

What’s a typical Sunday for you?

Bike ride or walk with a friend and you can always find me in the garden at some stage

Your favourite food and music?

Authentic Mexican food, our go to food when living in Atlanta. I often listen to music and have such a diverse range of favourites from classic rock, pop, strong independent women artists and NZ music

What advice do you have for someone applying for a job at the CDHB?

When applying for nursing roles, think about the specialty, why you want to work there and the skills you will bring to this role   

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