Health NZ - Te Whatu Ora, Waitaha Canterbury (previously The Canterbury District Health Board) is considered a world leader in its people centered approach to manaaki hauora (health care). It is responsible for utilising the funding allocated by Government to improve, promote and protect the health and independence of the people of Waitaha, Canterbury. It has a unique one health system approach focused on providing the right care and tautoko (support), to the right person, at the right time and in the right place.
Health NZ - Te Whatu Ora, Waitaha Canterbury is a large and complex organisation made up of over 13,000 staff, 14 hospitals, seven specialist services and hundreds of different professions. It can take a while to work out how everything fits together, but you’ll have fun exploring and you’ll love our diversity.
Ōtautahi Christchurch Hospitals are a great place for Junior Doctors - RMOs, House officers and SHOs who want to be part of an exciting new future.
Ōtautahi is a city that's been shaken, but life is quickly returning to a new kind of normal. In many parts of the city, things are just as they've always been.
You may well find yourself working in the midst of a vibrant, ever-changing neighbourhood where good coffee is as close as the nearest pop-up espresso cart, and great restaurants and cafes remain a short walk away.
Christchurch Hospital Orderly Wiremu Manahi-Holm has only been in the job a short time but is already making an impact with his focus, positivity and work ethic.
The former Project SEARCH intern came to the role after taking part in the programme at Burwood Hospital.
The CDHB were proud to welcome 10 Māori and 6 Pasifika new kaimahi (staff) following the successful Māori and Pasifika Rangatahi Recruitment Campaign.
A brand new Mana Taurite (Equity) Team focussing on the development of the DHBs workforce with a vision of bringing to life the DHBs commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and it's principles by ensuring there is partnership with Māori and kaimahi can authentically give effect to these principles.